Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hello there.
Hopefully I don't need to introduce myself, cause if you are here, you probably know me. If not, you can read all about me at www.snowcanyonhigh.com/alumni/info/tylergrowley.html
With that out of the way, I'll explain what my intent is with this blog. I really love the Internet. I can't really fathom how it is going to change the planet in the near future, but I love to watch as cool things spring up as a result of billions of people being so closely linked. I often find joy in the fact that a large portion of those billions of people are also carrying cameras along to capture video in the most unlikely, or likely of situations. Not only is the video captured, but it is also shared... making it necessary for someone like me to fight the addiction of youtube.
Anyway, whenever I find something that makes me laugh, or makes me think, I usually like to pass it on. But, due to increasing responsibilities, I don't have enough time in my day to justify sending an email to people to let them in on these findings. And on the flip side, you probably don't have enough time to care about each one.
THUS (I'm probably just over-stating what the function of a blog actually is, I'll call this Blogdundancyancy) I've decided to blog my findings, and you can check them out at your leisure, and I don't have to come up with something cute to say to each of you personally. However, if you would like a one-liner for you and you alone, you can feel free to call me and use the old fashioned ways of communication.
Let the fun begin!


Sea. Jay. said...

Thats cool If I ever have extra time on email day I'll check out whats new. It's a grand idea. I always love to see what your crazy mind will think of next.
Love YA CJ

Ben & Kim said...

Tones you haven't posted in ten days now. What the heck, if you're going to have a blog you've got to keep it updated man. Just playing we love that you set up your own blog... and I'm sure Robyn does too. ha ha

Mathias said...

this blog has arthritis. I wanna see what fun videos you can show me. I still love that fainting goat one you showed me. I still refer to it often for smiles. Did you ever see the Asian tetris game show video? It caused laughter.

What the end, its the best.