Tuesday, May 20, 2008

New Species Discovered!

Hunters out in West Virginia were out looking for Turkey, when they heard a loud buzzing sound. When they tracked it down this is what they found:

Watch to the very end and tell me you are not impressed.


Sea. Jay. said...

WoW Dang Ty that was sweet did those dudes just make that themselfs or was it for a moive? Cool stuff. I still havn't been able to hear the videos I need ear phones. Oh well maybe next time.
keep it up CeeJ

Zach said...

My mind is boggled. I'm actually playing a game of Boggle in my mind trying to find a word to describe that. Give me a second... "Kool". I found the word "kool", but does that count if it's not spelled right?

Kate said...

I love that. It's about time they stopped using mules to pack my stuff through the grand canyon. Now I can use a scrawny legged robot. No stopping for breaks!